Monday, March 30, 2009

My cat is bleeding right under his tail.?

My cat came home with a cut right under his tail.did he get in a fight

Well, there could be a couple of things that may have happened. One is it could have got into a fight with another cat. Does your cat have any other symptoms of being in a fight?

Another is your cat may have hard stools. Mine would get that from their bowel movements if they haven't been drinking enough water.

most likely he did cats sometimes bite each other on scrape in this area he should be fine try a bit of vaseline on the cut if he has had all his shots he should be ok if not get him them other animals carry disease

Is it okay to give cats worm medicine without going to the vet?

I found 3 cats outside a while back. I cannot take them in (I have 5 already indoors) and I couldn't give them away, no one wanted them. The pound here is cruel to animals to say the least. One of my 5 indoors I rescued from those terrible people. So I'm not bringing them there.

ANYWAY, I want to be sure they do not have worms and was thinking of getting an over the counter medicine to give them. They eat alot, but are kinda skinny/average. They eat as much as my indoor cats but are still smaller in wieght. I can't afford to take them to the vet because of all my other pets are expensive and my hubby and I are budgetting, but I want to be sure they are healthy. What should I do?

Yes it is okay, and certainly preferable to not treating them at all -- go to a pet store (not Walmarts) and get their suggestions for an all-purpose dewormer (remember, a second treatment is needed two weeks later). You will want to deal with tapeworms and ringworms. There are a few strays that I give general OTC dewormers.

No - take the cats to the vet to get proper treatment for the type of worms they may have. OTC wormers are usually bad - you can easily overdose your cats or they don't work.

you can get worming tablets from a pet store

Ringworm is a fungal infection and not a worm!! It is unlikey that worms are bothering any of these outside cats. Tapeworms are passive feeders and don't usually cause problems unless the cats have a heavy load. OTC worming medications have little effect on tapes, they are more for rounds, whips and hooks. You can order Droncit online and this is the best med for tapes. Be aware that they will continue to get tapes because they are transmitted by fleas and outdoor cats will always have fleas unless you are treating them with Frontline or Advantage. These cats may be leaner than your indoor kitties because they get way more exercise.

yes you could get an over the counter worming tablet but are you sure they are stray cats and not doing as cats do wondering could be worth puting up posters etc just to cheack or are your cats girls i am afraid toms will hang around 4 ages lol

Does your cat like the water?

He doesn't mind the rain at all, but just try and give him a bath. LOL

Yes...he especially likes to go out in our fenced yard when it is raining! (he sits under a table and watches the drips, but will also go out in the weather/doesn't mind getting his coat wet, but will let me towel him off when he comes in...) He also will come and visit while you are taking a bath, and jump up on the bathtub edge.. Oddly, he drinks very little water (we feed him wet food as well as kibble so I suspect it meets his "water" needs.) He's also never had to have a bath, so water has never done anything bad to him.. He also likes to be combed with a wet comb...

no but I Sill give them baths

How do you get a cat that is stuck in a tree down?

You don't. The cat isn't stuck, it just hasn't figured out how to get itself down yet.

Was the cat chased up the tree? If so, just make sure whatever chased it there is gone and eventually it'll come down.

My cats would yowl like they were terrified and stuck, but if I left them alone and gave them a little peace and quiet (took the dogs for a walk) the cat almost always was down when I got back. In 25 years of living on a farm with cats getting stuck in trees every few months, I only had to rescue one and that was because he'd gotten wedged between branches.

Cats' claws are turned for really fast climbing, but they don't negotiate coming down as quickly, and if they think they're going to get chased, they're going to stay where they are rather than do the slow, annoying, backward crawl down the tree. If it's a really long trunk and you have a board or something you can rest securely against it, you could put it up so the cat can walk down it rather than do the backward slide that always seems to make them nervous.

EDIT: Also helping the cat down isn't going to work most times. If your cat was spooked into the tree, it's scared and won't come to you anyway, so you're going to endanger yourself for a furball that at that moment won't appreciate it.

My cat was stuck up a tree last year after a dog chased it. I was going to call the fire brigade but I thought that was a bit mean as they have greater problems to deal with. I went away for about ten minutes, to give it time to settle and then I returned to the tree. He slowly slithered down, holding on with his claws. Hopefully your cat will do the same.

Good luck!

i recommend leaving it for a little and giving it time to think and figure out how to get down. it won't come down until it feels like it is safe from whatever caused it to go up in the 1st place. good luck :o)

Go up with a ladder. Call it. Leave it with food at the bottom of the tree. Go and stand under the tree with a blanket held out for it to jump into.

Although this may sound cruel, it's not. Just leave it there. Eventually, the cat will get hungry and shimmy down backwards. cat will come down sooner or later most likely.this website will put you in touch w/someone to rescue your cat.

A cat can drop from a very high height without being hurt as long as there is grass to land on. I've seen a cat fall from a third story window with no damage. It will come down on its own eventually.

Duh... if u have a latter or if you know how to climb a tree! well if its a great tree to climb on lol but yeah thats how!

just wait and the cat will eventually figure it out...Have you ever seen a cat skeleton in a tree?

leave a bowl of its favorite foods down and see if that will entice him down

Call the fire department. DON'T USE 911.

put a cat treat on the ground

climb it

Throw rocks at it.

Why does my kitten love my hair?

My kitten Siggy loves my hair. He looks like he is trying to get milk from his mommy. Does your kitten love your hair???

yes lol.....since I got my cat 7 years ago as a kitten she has slept in my hair and kneeds my head like a kitten with her mommys tummy. I think hair reminds them of their mom and gives them comfort. she purrs like crazy too and sometimes even drools in my hair because she is so content haha

Yes! It is kind of like he thinks it's his mums teat or something - he needs his paws and purrs very loud and suckles on my hair! it is starting to get a bit annoying though as he leaves a big chewed wet patch in my hair but he's so adorable when he does it I just can't push him away! I'm hoping he will grow out of it, guess it's just a bit of a comfort thing : )

my kitty likes my hair too, and all nite she plays with it and by accident she scratches my scalp. that's why I bought a mosquito net to protect myself.

Why does my cat keep farting?

He has been farting loads for the past two days and they really smell. What could be wrong with him???

Could be worms, does he go outside?

Have you changed the food or the foods flavor? if not the cat may start to become allergic to the food he has been eating all along. Better Quality food make the change slowly half and half over a course of a few weeks till changed over totally this will limit any tummy upsets.. better Quality food keeps a cat healthy and higher protein means getting full faster and pooping less.. GOOD LUCK

My kitten had gas for a while (I didn't even know cats could have gas! They really smell! And once, she farted while I was holding her! lol) and it was because she had stomach problems (she had diarrhea). I changed her food, and then it was fine. then I started giving her what she used to eat, and she is still fine. You might need to take her to the vet.

never give a cat cow milk or milk products, they are lactose intolerant and this causes gas

don't feed them cheap brand food as these have cheap fillers that are hard to digest with too much carbohydrates

stop feeding any people food if you have been doing this to see if this was the cause

Did you have beans for dinner, turn around, then turn back around and notice that there were less beans? LOL! How old is he and do you feed him milk? Milk, especially cow's, can give a cat gas and stomach upsets. Call your vet, they'll know. Good luck!

it can be that he went for the trash can , or table food or change of food

But Cats are mammals, they have with it and open the window LOL!

It could just be something he ate but according to my vet, cats fart when they are really happy and calm or scared. Mine do it ALL the time when they are happy.

It must be something he ate. Have you noticed fewer mice lately?

Gas? Vet time! And no milk.

How do I stop my cat from waking everyone in the morning?

I love my cat, "Binks", he's a sweetheart. He protects my daughter like a dog would and he's like a little soul mate to me but every morning between 5 and 7 a.m. he comes scratching and meowing loudly at my door. If I let him in, he climbs on everything and meows at every corner of the room.

I wait till 7 or 8 to feed them (I have 2 but the other waits patiently for us to get up). Even if I feed him early, he still continues to do the same thing. We've tried the spray bottle with water and some vinegar but it turns into a game of chase. As soon as he wakes everyone, he goes to sleep. How can I change this cycle so everyone can sleep peacefully?

Unfortunately cats are naturally most active at dawn and dusk, and don't read clocks...

This is something most owners learn to live with! I had some success teaching my old girl I wouldn't get up until she lay down and was calm (basically she already knew what 'settle down' meant. I'd tell her to do that. If she went to leap on the furniture as I got up (pulling books off shelves being one of her attention seeking habits), I'd get back into bed). Other people choose not to allow them in the bedroom: though I also know someone who used to have 3 scratching posts lined up outside the bedroom door to stop the carpet being torn up!

I wouldn't do anything like spraying: he's trying to get your attention, and that tells him he's managed to, even if it is in a negative way!

My cat does the same thing. I've learned he either wants to be fed or go outside. I think cats tend to like the mornings, a natural thing. I usually ignore his meows and go back to sleep, feed him, or let him outside. It's hard but, I've learned to fall back asleep. I know this may not help with your problem but, I have the same problem, and there are just so much you can do.

Not much you can do. We have a stray we've tamed, but the problem is that she loves attention, and she is SO loud. Especially in the night. So every night we have to put her outside. Unlike our other cats, if she wants in, SHE WANTS IN, so she'll meow so loudly at the front door it wakes us up when we're upstairs, with our doors closed.

Don't think you can. My cat bites my eyelid to make me wake up. If the cat wants you awake your'e gonna be awake.

I don't know but if you find out please let me know! I've tried feeding my cat late at night, playing with him more through the day to tire him out, earplugs, ignoring him....nothing works :(

Maybee he just wants attention. Try ignoring him every morning until It's time to feed him and he might go like a kid and start to stop a lost cause.

You could get a cat door unless you live in an apartment, or get a feeder with a timer. Having the extra options could distract him.

Just spray him when he's being annoying, don't bother chasing him. The bottle is for the sound as well as the spray.

I'm only 13 but have read tons on cats.

Do you know anything about Manx cats,...?

they are larger and tailless. I have one he is very affectionate and friendly (to people, that is). Wondering if those qualities are because, he's a Manx.

they come from the Isle of Man'' not far from me. ive never had 1 but a few of my neighbours did. you can make your own if you remove the tail. said enough id better be careful haha''?

I've read in more than one place about that breed being friendly. It must just be a Manx thing :) I think I used to have a Manx. I don't know where he came from but he had only a few inches of tail. He was friendly too.

Benefits of registering your cat with TICA?

Besides showing them in competitions, what are some other benefits of registering your neutered pet cat with TICA?

Both of my cats are purebred Ragdolls.

None - you register to show your cats. You can register if you want a paper saying the cat is registered, but most pet owners don't bother doing it.

I show only in CFA and ACFA and show my cats in those associations.

Talk my mom into letting me keep a neighbors kitten?

I just lost my cat of tweleve years last month and my mom wanted me to wait til this summer before I added an addition to the family. (She needs to focus on work before she loses her job and my dad is no help what so ever)

I want to prove to her that I am responisble and the kitten will be no bother to her. She wont be allowed to stay with me until the the begining of May and I want to convince my mom that a month early wont change her working or my working either.

I have started by buying cat toys (A LOT), dishes and collar, I have food, and a litter box also. :-)

What are other way I can show her I am ready for a new kitten and that I really want this one. I already named her Kiara.

I have been helping around the house and keeping up with my chores. Any other suggestions?

ALSO, I know that I am supposed to have this kitten because the weekend my cat died, the neighbors cat went into labor. How does that happen? :)

It's sounds like your doing everything you can do. Keep it up basically.

That doesn't mean that your mom will decide you can have the kitten. But being proactive, and showing yourself to be responsible instead of constantly asking for the kitten or whining about it is the best way to change her mind.

Ask the owners to keep the kitten for a few extra weeks (the kitten will be better adjusted this way too) and use the extra time to win your mom over too her. Bring your mom to see her perhapse, make her fall in love with the kitten too.

Good luck, and good job on planning on spaying her. Thats definatly a responsible and loving move. ^^

What does it mean when your cat rubs its head aginst your leg?

Also it to arch it's back when you're petting it, especially the tail?

It sounds like your cat is trying to show you some affection. Cats show affection to humans in many ways. They want to sleep on the pillow next to your face, or they groom your hair. Often, cats will solicit owners to play. Affectionate cats twine around ankles; offer head bumps, purrs, and trills; and knead with their paws to express contentment.

Not sure about arching his back.

When he rubs his head on you, he's leaving his scent/ claiming his territory. Remember, cats own you. Even if they have been fixed, they will still do this.

The first answer isn't right, they aren't "claiming" you. They want attention and to be petted, and this is how they show affection, and get your attention :)

The rubbing is a marking of territory. They are actually marking you with their scent that you are their "territory."

Me... kittyslave23... I know my place.

It means it wants attention and wants to be petted. Otherwise it's claiming it's territory over you.

Hope this helps :)

when its rubbing against your leg it means she/ he wants attention and when he/ she arches her/ his back it means it likes how it is being pet

because they want to be petted and givin attion when they arch their backs its because they want you to continue

Both are it's way of showing you it loves you.

Is CFA papers a good registry to buy Cats?

Were thinking of buying one and want to make sure there a good registry.

Thanks in Advance!

CFA is excellent and the biggest, but TICA is fine too. There are others, but these are the best in the United States. If the cat is not registered with CFA and/or TICA, I would be looking elsewhere. There is also the American Cat Fanciers Association which is less active.

good luck!

If the cat is only registered with the Traditional Cat Association there could be a problem.

It's comparible to the AKC for dogs. Although honestly, I think the whole purebred cat thing is crap. Cats are not used for any specific purpose like dogs are and there is no reason to continue breeding purebreds when so many die in shelters. Our shelter ALONE has over 100 cats. Three more were relinquished yesterday. There are so many cats who need good homes and even loads of kittens. Please check out your local shelter first, they sometimes even have 'purebred' kittens. I know we just did an investigation and removed 15 Siamese cats from someone's house and there were three pregnant moms.

Registry only matters if you want a purebred cat and you are planning on showing and breeding. CFA is the most well-known legitimate registry.

How much should my cat weigh?

My cat Flint has just turned 1 and weighs 15 pounds. At 10-11 months he was ten pounds. How much should he weigh and how much should I feed him? We feed him 2/3-1 cup a day.

Depends how long his body is what is a good weight. Most cats weigh between 7-15 pounds. Males usually more than females. A little known fact is the tail, how long their tail is can indicate how big they are and how they should grow. I have one cat with a 13 inch long tail, he's huge, the side of a poodle, he weighs almost 30 pounds, he's not fat just huge. I have one other cat that her tail is 5 inches long, she's like a kitten but full grown, she weighs 5 pounds but that's right for her.

You want to look at his back and ribs, if you can see ribs, he's too thin, if you can feel the ribs just under the skin and fur but not see them, he's probably just right, if there's alot of skin and fat over the ribs, he's too fat.

But measure his tail and body, and you can tell how big he probably will get.

Well, hes probably just a bigger type of cat. 1 cup is a good amount, of the right food. If hes not already, he should be on a good food. Something possibly diet also, like Iams for weight control if nothing else. Some cats are just big cats.

If he seems "fat" to you, you should have the vet check his thyroid to make sure he doesn't have a problem. My cat died at age 14 of fatty liver disease. He was a 20 lbs tabby cat and had an undiagnosed thyroid condition which my mother did not have treated. :(

Tabbys tend to be large cats :) Of course there are small ones like my little 8 pounder orange tabby.

It seems like the orange ones are extra big. Is yours orange by chance?

The average adult male cat should weigh between 10 and 12 pounds. He was an adult cat at 10 months old. His weight at that time was probably his target adult weight.


15 pounds is a healthy weight. it sounds like you are feeding him the right amount. he dfinetly should NOT go over 20 pounds an NOT under 10 pounds.

that is actualy a good amount for a cat i have 2 kittens one of my kittens waighs 18 pounds

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Is it okay to let my gerbil and hamster in the same room in there balls?

Just wondering cause I recently just got a hamster and my gerbil usually goes in his ball in my room, so is it okay if my hamster gos in a seperate ball ofcourse and roll around in the same room as the gerbil?

Give them each a ball. Let them run in there balls and yeah they can be close together. Just don't let them out of the balls because hamsters are vicious and it would attack the gerbil. So good luck!


Yes, it does seem OK, but make sure they don't fight in their balls.

yeh if theyre in balls they cant fight

How do I get my cat to sleep with me or next to me?

I'm trying to figure out a way to get my cat Tinkey to lay with me. When he goes to my parents room, he bothers them. My parents sometimes gets angry because he will Bite and scratch, pull your hair out when he wants food. He normally does this at 4:30-5:00 Am. He doesn't do it to me. But how do I get my cat to lay or sleep next to me?

Hi, you could try the following:

1. Play with him in the bed, with a cat toy string

2. Brush him before going to bed

3. Parents room close for now

The more time you spent with your cat, the more he will be in your space...

Dogs will do what you tell them. Cats will do what they want. Some cats are not cuddlers. My late Kamikaze Kitty was not a lap cat even though I really wish she was. But she had to be nearby--close enough to be able to reach out an touch, but not actually do that, even. I wanted her to sleep next to me, but she wanted to sleep up by my head (and try to smother me by pressing her paws on my nose if I dared to breathe on her) and there was little I could do if I didn't like it, other than shut her out (which would result in her howling at the door). Of course if I disrupted her desire too much, she would launch an attack, hence the Kamikaze name.

I don't have a solution to the problem other than shutting him in the room with you.

its nice the thought of cuddling up to ur cat. But please remember this is a pet not a human! A cat or any animal for that matter should not be sleeping next to u or on ur bed! I can see u love ur cat very much, but its up to the cat aswel where it wants to sleep! As much as ur cat loves u, would u like being forced into someones bed and made to sleep with them? Think about the cat, its a pet! And although its cute cats and dogs have been known to attack. There was one case in england where a woman let her dog sleep with her every night.

The dog had a bad dream and ended up biting her face so bad she had to have surgery to re-build her face!

Ok i now u have a cat, but still they can bite. Sorry if i sound harsh but its the best for u and ur cat! X

lol you can't train cats, that's the first rule you need to learn with them. a cats purpose is to be served. it rules the house. he'll go where he wants. something that you can do though is... close your parents door and keep yours open, he'll eventually go into your room cause it's open.

Keep your door open at night, and tell your parents to close their door. Maybe buy him a cat bed, or if he already has one, move it into your room next to your bed. Then maybe one night, he'll decide to jump in your bed with you :) Goodluck

you cant make a cat do anything it doesnt want to. thats just how they roll.

if your parents shut their bedroom door at night and you leave yours open it might decide to try it out one night. but taking him and putting him on your bed wont help. if you have tried that

shut all the doors in your house including your parents room and he will go to your room. give him a week to decide. but he should end up in your bed sometime. then it will become a habit and you can open up all the doors again.

You can't - they choose where they want to sleep. I would suggest your parents keep the door closed to their room.

Get a really soft blanket and put it on your bed at night. Pick up your cat and put him on your bed with the blanket on it about 30 minutes before you go to bed.. see if he stays.

You can't force him. Close your parents door at night and eventually he will come to you, I guarantee it.

could try rubbing cat nip over yourself. pretty sure bestiality is illegal though

I think when you form a bond he/she will.

put his food in your room

Is my hamster sick or allergic?

I let my hamster run aroung my room occasionally and when he goes to a certain corner and sniffs it and other places around that corner and so he sniffs it and trhen sneezes!!!! ???? Is there something wrong with him??????? HELP!!!!! And i am not putting him down if thats what you want!!!!!

take him to the vets there will no the problem yes he could be allergic to something on your carpet do u use shake and vac because that good be the problem

the vet will be ur best choice but my hamsters are fine on the carpet

Is it illegal to own a self defense attack chimpanzee?

I was wondering if a chimp could be trained to be your body guard?

It depends where you live. Some states it would be illegal, other states it would be perfectly fine.

It depends on the state, but I assume that if your intended purpose for having a chimp is to use him as a weapon, then you'll have a hard time getting the proper licenses in any state.

(hoping this question is a joke)

This gave me a laugh :)

I think it would make PETA mad . . .

You could probably train it to do that, though I think you'd have an increased risk of it going ape-**** like that one in the news a few weeks ago.

Secret Service has trained apes in monkeysuits and it does seem to work quite well.

I need tips for my soon to come Hammy?

I am getting a Robo Dwarf Hamster. I have a list................and need tips. How much are they at Petsmart or Petco? The total in cage and stuff is $63.53. Thanks!

Here are some tips I have collected over the years, as a rodent enthusiast and ex-hamster breeder!

* When you get it home, leave it for 24 hours in its new cage to let it calm down and get used to it's surroundings - relocation is very traumatic for small animals!

* Make sure your hammie always has chews and clean wood in his cage to gnaw on. They need to gnaw to wear their constantly-growing teeth down, otherwise they will grow into their skulls and prevent them from eating properly...

* Give your hammie lots of toys and hideouts - rodents love exploring and a secure yet stimulated hamster is a happy hamster :-)

* For 'playtime' its real fun to put your hammie in the bath, with a towel int he bottom of the bath. Like this you can watch him, play with him, and let him explore without worrying about him running away, because he cant climb the sides of the bath.

* Beware! Hamsters have NO SENSE of spacial awareness! They will very happily walk off your hand, fall from great heights, and go places they evidently shouldnt! So when you have your hammie out - you gotta be his brain too!

* Traditional hamster mix is actually meant to be 'in addition to a varied diet' ...But WARNING You REALLY should not feed your hamster anything procesed or refined - it is unnatural and very bad for their health!!! Here is a list of healthy treats I give my rodents!

Small bits of cheese (occasionally!)

Most fruits, (grapes, apples etc) but no citrus or acidic fruit, this might kill them!

Cream cheese (their favorite!)



Sunflower seeds (mine love this, and it gives them something to do as well, coz they gotta peel them!)

Pumpkin seeds

Natural rye bread


Porridge (dont give raw oats as they swell in the stomach!)

Sesame seeds

Vegetables - lettuce is a bit hit with mine!


Brazil nuts


I wish you the BEST of luck with your hamster, they are GREAT pets when trained and handled correctly!!! XXX

Ok we made appointment for shots but she wont walk on leash we

US no where near house broken but i love her so much puppy boot camp is that any help she a bull mastiff big already bout 23 pounds help if you can before she eat me LOL

She's a baby -- a very big baby, but a baby. Dogs don't have much control over their elimination until they are 6 months old, so be patient and repetitious - get a regular routine going and reward your pup when she get it right.

I would really take this dog for group obedience classes asap - don't know what age a trainer by you will start a pup, but it is certainly needed with a dog the size of what your pup will be, so start as early as possible.

Ask your vet for a reference to a good trainer who gives group lessons. I've taken 2 of my dogs for group lessons and it has helped me learn to train them, walk them on leash, plus it helps socialize the dog with other dogs and new people. It can be fun too.

Don't expect too much at 12 weeks, she's a puppy and of course she is going to mouth (that's what the biting is), but don't let her do that to you - make a sharp sound "yip", "no" -whatever, and walk away, completely disregard her and refuse to play any further. She will eventually learn that mouthing means no more attention or play - it is how the mother dog trains the pups.

Get a good book on puppies, their care and training - and do sign up for group classes asap. You will need to train a dog this size and you need to start early.

Good luck - ask the vet for a reference to a good group obedience trainer, makes a world of difference.

You could try and start with one of two ways, one is the tether idea where you tether the dog to yourself, and you can keep all kinds of behaviors in check, and also it's easier to notice the pre-potty sniffing. The other way to introduce a leash is to start with a light line attached to the collar that the pup drags around at first, then you start holding it. I would definitely recommend getting the help of a trainer/find a puppy class to get you off on the right track.

This is not a LOL situation. You have a 3 month old dog that will potentially become 100 lbs of untrained dog. Unless you want to deal with an out of control animal in a year or so, please get her into obedience training ASAP. Spend the time working on her potty training because she cannot do it on her own. Spend the time now or risk a dog that cannot be trusted as an adult.

That dog will be huge and if you are having difficulty managing her now... it will be a horrible nightmare when she is grown. Please consider investing in a trainer.

Only pay for one session at a time, because I have found that the trainer is teaching ME how to train... and then I can use the information the trainer gives me to train my own dog. Then I don't spend a ton of money having the trainer train the dog.

haha you should see my 43 lb 14 week old puppy.

Try working with her using a treat. REward her when she moves forward on the lead. It can be alot of work but well worth it in the end.

I really appreciate it when breeders have the time to get your puppy started on those basic things.

That dog will end up huge... fix her behavior NOW.

MAKE her walk on the leash. Put it on, and walk. Don't cater to her.


Is there a way to find out how many people are interested in a dog you put in an application for?

No, i dont think there is a way. sorry

You can contact the shelter or rescue organization with either the dogs name or the number assigned to the dog. They may let you know, but they also may choose not to. Most of the time they will inform you of that, and the status of your application at the moment.

You can call the shelter and ask.

Are kangaroos really good boxers?

DUH!!!!!!!Have you seen them kick?!?!?!?!?!

your mom thinks so.

Red Tail Boa died after purchase, help!?

Ok, so here's the thing. I own a beautiful ball python, and I recently purchased a gorgeous baby Peruvian Red tail boa. However I was delayed from buying the snake for a few days because it had a poor transfer from the breeder to the pet store, and it got mites (the breeder had put unchecked wood in the box and the mites got on the snake). After treating the snake for a while the mites soon were gone, but the ugly scars and bumps were still left on, which is normal.

*Now the warranty for the snake is one week, unless something is wrong with it, then I am supposed to return to the store and sign a waiver that prolongs the warranty by another week. A month later after I had purchased it, he was having major difficulty with shedding, due to mites bites. All the conditions were good, and he had good humidity and water. I also used the moist pillow method to help him. I eventually just manually peeled the skin by myself, from the bottom of the top half to the tail. So he still had skin remaining on his head, thus I still couldn't feed him (he had refused the last pinky dinner at the pet store too.) A little later I discovered him dead.

The situation right now, is that the salesperson who I bought it from is trying to convince his manager to give me the refund on this $300 purchase. The thing is, is that I was outside of the warranty and didn't sign the extended waiver. However the snake I bought from them was sick and wasn't shedding properly (they aren't buying anything from the breeder anymore). What should I do? That a lot of money for me, not even including the appliances that I have spent on the snake as well as the initial cost for the snake....Help!

Helping your snake shed will not KILL him, its very damaging but it is not fatal.

More than likely it was a disease cause from the wood and mites

If they refuse to give you a refund, then theres not a whole lot you can do besides threaten to not give them business and to talk to a lawyer

They should have never sold you the snake to begin with it should have been returned to the breeder. The snake sounds like it was sick when it arrived at the pet store; they should give you your money back ot a replacement snake.

I am very sorry for your loss. TECHNICALLY, they don't owe you anything, but I would still try to get your money back. Do not try to sue, because unfortunately, they don't technically owe you anything.

Again, I am sorry for your loss.

They should give you a refund and if not SUE!!!!!

I'm not trying to rub salt on your wounds, but it is most likely your fault that the snake is dead. Never try to "help" a snake shed its skin, even if it looks like its having trouble! There are a number of things to introduce into the snake's terrarium to help it ("dead" rocks, wet moss, wood chip bedding), but peeling it off for your snake could, and in this case most likely DID, cause much of the live skin to come off as well, leaving the snake open to major infections. Nevertheless, the pet store did sell you a sick animal, so they are to blame, as well.

I disagree with the first poster.. I think if you tried to sue them, you would spend much more than 300 dollars. Still, try to get your money back. If they refuse, go to the store director (every retail store has one!) If they refuse, HAND WRITE a letter to the CEO. That almost always works. Because the customer is always right. ;) But then again, they may argue that because you didn't tell them the animal was sick to get the one week extension, that it was your fault the snake died. Just try to play it by ear, and try to learn from this experience. Never buy a defective animal. The stress of dealing with it and having it sometimes die, as in your case, is not worth it. Invest in something healthy from a reputable breeder next time.

Is it normal for a dog to have back dew claws?

I bought a purebred beagle, and the puppy I chose (not knowing it at the time) has back dew claws. Looking at the pictures I recieved from the breeder, that puppy is the only one with back dew claws. Is it normal for a beagle to have them, and/or be the only one out of the litter to have them? Why do some dogs get back ones? Thanks in advance!

Rear dewclaws are a form of polydactyly - as if you had 6 fingers or toes. Wild canids do not have them, but they do crop up in domestic dogs from time to time. In some breeds they are required as part of the breed standard - Pyrs must have double rear dewclaws, the equivalent of you having 7 toes. In a Beagle they are not the norm but they shouldn't be a problem unless they are excessively large or stick out far from the leg. In that case they could catch on something and cause a leg injury. If they are tight against the leg I'd just leave them and consider it an interesting quirk! But if the vet thinks they do run a risk of catching on something have them removed at the same time the neuter is done. That way it's just one recovery period for both.

I don't have first hand knowledge of Beagles/rear dewclaws, but it's most unusual in Bassets!! In fact in all my years/litters, I've never had one puppy with them. I know it's more common in some breeds, but basically I'd say it's not that normal. And I think I'd be speaking to my vet about having them removed, late as it is because they should be taken off within days of birth ideally, if they are to be removed. Dew claw injuries in adults are not nice and I think, in this breed, knowing how active they are, they do need to come off. I would also speak to his breeder because she should have known, and done something about having them removed early days.

I don't know about beagles but certain breeds do have rear dew claws such as Great Pyrenees dogs it has to do with where they originated from, great pyranees are rock/mountain dogs and needed the rear dew claw to help them climb and navigate the rocks. I have a friend with a pit mix and she has rear dew claws.

I would research beagles and find out if dew claws are removed as a breed standard like Weimaraners are. As for the rear I couldn't tell you.

My puppy is a beagle and shar-pei mix and doesn't have dew claws on front or back. I'm not sure if she did when she was born or not because a lot the time dew claws are removed for appearance. It just depends on the breed whether or not they get dew claws or not and depends on the breeder or owner whether they keep them or not.

A lot of dogs are born with them but most breeders or sellers have them removed. They can easily be removed when your dog gets spayed or neutered.

Most people get them taken off for safety as the back ones tend to stick out more and can be injured or even ripped off if they are running and step on something and get caught.

In some breeds it is not only normal, it is required. I have a little mutt that was the only one in the litter with back dews. I had them removed when he was neutered. It would be a good idea if you did the same.

Lots of dogs have the back dewclaws. The breeder should have had them removed when the pup was 2-3 days old. It will now cost you upwards of $300.00 to have them removed. The breeder should help with this expense.

Some dogs have them, some don't. You can always have them removed but it's really not a big deal. There is nothing wrong with your puppy. Good luck on your new best friend!

Yes, its normal. However, responsible breeders generally remove them a few days after birth unless the dog is from a breed that requires they are present (Beagles NOT being one of those breeds).

I am pretty sure that maost dogs have them, but they are usually removed by the breeder/seller. I think it is a easy operation and can be taken care of.

some breeds to have dew claws on the hind legs. you should ask your breeder. they should be knowledgeable on the puppy they sold you.

Yes, this is normal.

I've never seen that before


Can I buy black widow spiders?

I was wondering if a pet store sells black widow spiders?

Or do I have to find them myself?

If so, where are the best places to look for them?

That is a very bad idea.

They are not sold in pet stores.

They are found in dark corners of old, abandoned buildings. I have heard one of their preferred places to build webs is across the opening of disused toilet seats.

Just look it up on Wikipedia.

And why -- exactly -- would you want to do that?

I've been bitten by a black widow and I can tell you first hand it is NOT pleasant in the slightest.

While not lethal, their bite is very painful. And they don't make very good pets.

They are not sold in pet stores, but, from my life, I would NEVER get one

as a pet! Maybe on ebay.

Mini and toy Australian Shepherds?

Mini and toy Australian Shepherds?

People call them minis and toys. Wouldn't the one they call "Toy aussie" be a Miniature north american shepherd? because....the one that is called "miniature aussie", it's REAL and CORRECT name is North American Shepherd, so if you downsized a North Am. Shepherd you have a Miniature North American Shepherd?

The real AKC/ASCA dog-Australian Shepherd

The"Mini"-North American Shepherd

The "Toy"-Miniature North American Shepherd

Am I right?

Yes, you are correct, but keep in mind that any version of the North American Shepherd is a bastardized version of the Aussie.

According to their It would just be North American Shepherd and either 14 inch or 17inch Just like beagles are 13in or 15in.

Either way they still have a LONG way to go before the AKC and USASA sign off on the NAS being placed in the AKC FSS List. As of now they do NOT have a separate gene pool that does not include the Aussie Shep. Until that variable has been removed and two other actions per the letter they received from the AKC they are for the moment still bred down mutts.

The real breed is the Australian shepherd.

The other two are mutts created and sold by irresponsible breeders and bought by people who don't know any better - or don't care.

why are you asking this again?

How much glucosamine/day does a shetland sheepdog needs?

Hes 4 years old, about 30 pounds, has some kind of difficulty getting up, and the doctor said that the joints on his hind legs are somewhat loose and advised us to get glucosamine for him.

I bought this brand of joint maintenance pills "dancing paws" for him. So hes supposed to take 1 pill a day and it contains together 10mg of glucosamine in a pill. Is that amount enough for his current condition?

Ask the vet who told you that he needed them.

All you have to do is call the vet and ask, they do not charge a fee for asking. Giving to much is just as bad as not giving enough. People on here are not vets and they could give you the wrong information and harm you pet.

When is the tadpole breeding season for FROGS in Adelaide: Australia?

I would like to go tadpoling at my nearby pond in Adelaide but I don't know when tadpoles are around. Does anyone know when tadpole season for FROGS is in Adelaide: Australia? thnx

Well breeding season for most frogs in Austrailia are between late spring and early summer, but some breed throughout March.

Tadpoles aren't fish. Why is this here?

Whats the largest breed of pig?

just wondering

The largest pig recorded was a Poland China who was named big bill which was 5 foot high, 9 foot long and weighed 2552 pounds.

Super Guinea Pigs of Peru.