Monday, March 30, 2009

Why does my kitten love my hair?

My kitten Siggy loves my hair. He looks like he is trying to get milk from his mommy. Does your kitten love your hair???

yes lol.....since I got my cat 7 years ago as a kitten she has slept in my hair and kneeds my head like a kitten with her mommys tummy. I think hair reminds them of their mom and gives them comfort. she purrs like crazy too and sometimes even drools in my hair because she is so content haha

Yes! It is kind of like he thinks it's his mums teat or something - he needs his paws and purrs very loud and suckles on my hair! it is starting to get a bit annoying though as he leaves a big chewed wet patch in my hair but he's so adorable when he does it I just can't push him away! I'm hoping he will grow out of it, guess it's just a bit of a comfort thing : )

my kitty likes my hair too, and all nite she plays with it and by accident she scratches my scalp. that's why I bought a mosquito net to protect myself.

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