Tuesday, July 20, 2010

When baby birds leave the nest and learn to fly, do they ever see their parents again?

Particularly barn swallows.
Yes the parents will stay around and still feed them until they learn to be independent. They also teach them all the essential life skills such as hunting for food and to recognise predators.
duh holiday get-togethers!
Yeah, I had a couple of birds live right next to my front door. We saw them grow from eggs to full grown birds. after they flew they came back to the nest a couple times but they left very soon after. Even the parents left the nest after and built is some where else. We still see birds come to our house and we think they might be the ones born here. they seem very comfortable.
if they do see them it does not matter. they just go about their business, they are not like people. they only care about having babies when they leave the nest then they just have more babies.

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